Mint flavour is generally liked by all with very few exceptions. It is a refresher by itself and enhances the flavor when added to any thing else. Fresh mint leaves are used in flavouring biryanis, cold soups n fruit punches, chutneys but here i am talking of a mint concentrate which i learnt from my friends. It is very refreshing n stays in the fridge for a while to keep u refreshed on a tiring day or a lively evening with friends.
11/4 kg sugar, equal amount of water, 1 kg fresh lime juice, 100 g fresh mint leaves, pinch of green color.
- Put sugar and water to boil.
- After about ten minutes when it reduces in quantity, add the lime juice and bring it to boil.
- Now add the mint leaves and the color, stir it well, put off the fire and cover it with a lid.
- When it cools down stain it and store this concentrate in a bottle and keep it in the fridge till further use.
- Pour a quarter of this concentrate on to a tall glass, fill the rest of the glass with cold water leaving a little space for two ice cubes.
- Decorate it with a sprig of mint leaves and serve.

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